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rare metals produce
supersonic air liners
7.* Do exercise 6c in 1 minute.
рідкісні метали виробляти
надзвукові повітряні лайнери
8.* Write down new words Into your vocabularies (exercise 3).
Lesson 4
9. Read the new words with the translation (exercise 3). 10. Do exercise 6c.
11. Answer the questions. (Consult § 37.) Ukraine borders on Poland, doesn't it? Ukraine does not border on Afghanistan, does it? Moldova does not border on Russia, does it? The northern neighbour of Ukraine is Bilorus', isn't it? Poland does not border on Russia, does it? The geographic centre of Europe is situated in Ukraine, isn't it? Rakhiv is situated near the centre of Europe, isn't it?
12. a) Read the questions in English and answer them. b) Cover the left side of the page and translate the questions into English.
What countries does Ukraine border on? What is the territory and population of Ukraine? Is Ukraine a member of the United Nations Organization? What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in? What does Ukraine produce? What rare metals valuable raw materials have been found in Ukraine? З якими країнами межує Україна?
Яка територія та населення України?

Чи є Україна членом Організа­ції Об'єднаних Націй?
Якими корисними копалина­ми багата Україна?
Що виробляє Україна? Які рідкісні метали і цінна си­ровина знайдені в Україні?
13. Complete the sentences to make up a story. Ukraine is one of the largest ... . It has the territory of about... . It has the population of more ... . Ukraine borders on ... . Ukraine is the member of ... . The main river of Ukraine ... .


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