"Absolutely. I am telling you. They are
all crying after you, and are waiting for you to come back."
to come back — повертатися
2. Answer the questions.
What did Jim decide to do? Why did he do that? What happened to him?
Task 12
1. Read the text and translate the sentences with the words in bold type into Ukrainian.
Many years ago skilled workers did not tell other people the secret of their work. They closed the doors and windows of their small workshops when they did any important work. If they had to write about their work, they did not use the words of their language, those words which everybody could understand.
I skilled — кваліфікований, досвідчений
workshop — майстерня
sign [sain]— знак
to tell the important secrets of their work even to the members of their families.
More than three hundred years ago, an old Italian worker began to make beautiful things of glass. People not only in his country, but also in other countries knew about the bright green flowers that he made, and about all the beautiful things he made of glass. But nobody knew how he made the glass, and he did not tell the secret even to his favourite son. The old man's little brown notebook was full of secret words, figures and signs, but his son could not understand them.
The young man often asked his father to tell him the secret of his work, but the old man answered, "Wait, I have written everything in my brown notebook. I'll explain everything to you, but the time has not come yet."
Then, one day in January, the old man fell ill, and the next morning he could not