Canada is a country in North America. The greater part of the Canadians live in the south, near the United States border. Canadians speak English and French. More than one million of Canadians are ethnic Ukrainians.
1. Where is Canada situated?
2. How many ethnic Ukrainians live in Canada?
69. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.
History has preserved the date and the names of the Ukrainians who were the first to come to the Canadian land. It was September 7, 1891, when Ivan Pylypiv and Vasyl Yeleniak, former residents of the village of Nebylin (now Ivano-Frankivskyi region) arrived in Montreal on board "Oregon" steam vessel. They were courageous men who left their relatives and native land in search of a better lot. They paved the way of 200,000 Ukrainian emigrants who settled in Canada on the turn of two centuries.
Now more than one million Ukrainians live in Canada.
70. a) Read the word-combinations and sentences with the transla tion.
b)* Cover the left side of the page and translate the wordcombi nations and sentences into English in 1 minute.
the first to come
courageous men
former residents
in search of a better lot
Ukrainian emigrants
left their native land
on the turn of two centuries
They arrived in New York.
We cannot but respect them.
They were the first to come to the Canadian land. The first emigrants were courageous men.
Ivan Pylypiv and Vasyl Yele-niak were the first Ukrainians who came to Canada.
перший, хто прибув сміливі люди колишні мешканці у пошуках кращої долі українські емігранти залишили рідну землю на межі двох століть Вони прибули до Нью-Йорка. Ми не можемо не поважати їх. Цими були першими, хто прибув на канадську землю. Перші емігранти були сміливими людьми.
Іван Пилипів і Василь Єленяк були першими українцями, які прибули до Канади.
71.* Answer the questions in writing.
Who came to Canada in 1891? Where did they come from?