49. Read your translation (exercise 47).
50. Tell your classmates about the national holidays In Ukraine and
the USA.
51. Read the text and translate it. (See the map at the beginning of the book.)
WHAT THE FLAGS SAY A flag is not just a piece of cloth. Very often it ia an expression
of human hopes and ideals. Behind it is the history uf the country it represents, the past and present of the whole people, and very often their future too.
The cloudless blue sky and the golden wheat fields lent their colours to the National Flag of Ukraine. The Trident was a state emblem in Kyiv Rub. It made up the foundation of the State Emblem of Ukraine. These national attributes embody the centuries of struggle of this long-suffering land for freedom, sovereignty and independence.
One of the oldest flags in the world is the British. Its crosses stand for the patron aainta of old England, Scotland and Ireland. Some historians say that the British flag got the name of Union Jack from James I under whom Scotland and England were united in the 17th century.
The American flag is called the Stars and Stripes. The horizontal red and white stripes represent the original thirteen states that declared they would no longer be colonies of Great Britain. The stars in the flag — white on a dark blue background — represent the number of states making up the United States. There are, fifty of them now.
The Canadian flag consists of three vertical stripes, two red ones in the right and left and a white stripe between them, with a maple leaf in the middle of the white stripe.
The New Zealand and Australian flags are very much alike.
Their backgrounds and crosses are as on the British flag. In the top left hand oomcr the Auotralians ahow the stare of the Southern Cross in white on a blue field, while the New Zealanders show the stars in red on a blue field.
52. Read and write the following cardinal numerals. (Consult § 7.)
a) 5; 15; 50; 2; 12; 20; 3; 13; 30;
b) 22; 87; 95; 55; 78; 93;
c) 187; 972; 999;
d) 1,875; 15,500; 964,218; 1,854.
53. Do task 7. part III on page 101.