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What professions can they receive at technical schools, teaching and medical schools? What examinations must the ninth form pupils pass to enter a technical school? What are you going to do after finishing the ninth form? What profession do you want to get? Do your parents agree to your choice? What are your parents and where do they work? Які професії вони можуть здо­бути в технікумах, педучили­щах і медучилищах?
 Які іспити повинні скласти де­в'ятикласники, щоб вступити до технікуму?
Що ти абираєшся робити піс­ля закінчення дев'ятого кла­су? Яку професію ти хочеш здо­бути? Чи погоджуються твої батьки з твоїм вибором? Хто твої батьки за фахом і де вони працюють?
13. * Do exercise 11c in 2 minutes. 14. * Write down your answers to the questions from the exercise 12. Lesson 63 15. Do exercise 11c in 2 minutes. 16. Do exercise 3a. 17. Tell your classmates about your plans for the future. Use the following words and word-combinations as a plan.
many roads to receive a complete secondary education a specialized education technical schools teachers' training school medical school vocational schools to pass examinations to continue the professions of technicians (radio-assemblers, electri­cians)    the professions of shop-assis­tants, turners, fitters, bak­ers:, medical nureos, drece- makers, drivers, gardeners, yard-keepers, carpenters, stewardesses    to pay for education    to be free of charge    secondary specialized schools    higher schools    to receive a scholarship     educational systems


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