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4. Read and translate the text.
CHOOSING A PROFESSION This year you are finishing the ninth form and must choose the way you will continue your education. Many roads are open before the ninth form pupils. Some of them can go to the tenth form and receive complete secondary education at secondary schools. Those boys and girls who want to get a specialized secondary education can go to technical schools, teachers' training and medical schools. But to enter these schools they must pass two examinations successfully. One examination in their native language, the other in mathematics. They will study at these schools for about four years and receive the professions of technicians (radio-assemblers, electricians and so on), primary school teachers, medical nurses and others. Many ninth form pupils nowadays prefer to go to vocational schools where they get the professions of turners, fitters, builders, shop-assistants, dress-makers, tailors and receive a complete secon­dary education. They study there for three or four years. The education at the most technical schools, teachers' training and medical schools, vocational schools as well as at institutes and universities is free of charge in our country. Moreover the students of all kinds of specialized secondary schools and higher schools receive scholarship. 5. Translate Into English. 1. Я закінчив дев'ятий клас. 2. У наступному році я закінчу десятий клас. 3. Тк вже закінчив дев'ятий клас? 4. Він ще не закінчив п'ятий клас. 5. У цьому році я закінчую сьомий клас.


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