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to have tea. We had no water in our kettle and decided to take it from the river. "We shall try the water," Harris said. "It will be all right if we boil it. The boiling will kill all the germs present in the water." We filled our kettle with the water mid boiled it for an hour. When we began to drink the tea George exclaimed, "What's that?" We looked and saw a dead dog. It was floating on its back. George said, "I don't want any tea." And he emptied his cup into the water. Harris didn't drink either. I had drunk half mine. "Do you think, that I shall have ty­phoid?" I asked George. He said, "Oh, no, I think you won't. But, anyhow, you will have known about it by the end of two weeks."
2. Answer the questions. Where did the friends decide to stop to have tea?


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