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States of America. Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Great Britain is not a -arge country. It is much smaller than France or Norway and smaller than Finland. It consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and North­ern Ireland. England is the largest part of the country. English is the national lan­guage in all the parts of Great Britain.
What parts does Great Britain consist of? Is English the national language in all the parts of Great Britain? Is Great Britain a large country?
Part II The United States of America lie in the middle.of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres. Its population is more than 260 million people. English is the national language of the USA too. In 1607 some English people landed in North America to live there, and they brought the English language to that conti­nent. Nowadays people speak the so-called American English in the United States of America. British and American English though common in their origin have some lexical, grammatical and phonetic differ­ences.
Where do the USA lie? When did some English people land in North America? Are there any differences between British and American English? Part III Canada is situated to the north of the United States of America. It is a very large country, larger than the United States of America. Its territory is about ten million square kilometres. In Canada many people speak English because they also came from England many years ago. But in some parts of Canada they speak French. The people who live in those parts came to Canada from France.
Where is Canada situated?


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