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39.* Find out in the text sentences which correspond to the following Ukrainian ones and utnte them down.
1. Англійці не купують квитки заздалегідь. 2. Вони йдуть до кінотеатру І купують квитки в касі. 3. Все більше людей віддають перевагу тому, щоб залишатися вдома і дивитися телевізор. 4. Люди не заходять до кінозали у визначений час. 5. Дуже неприемно, коли люди пробираються повз вас, насту­паючи вам на ноги. Lesson 55
40. Tell your classmates about your last visit to the cinema. Use the questions of exercise 36 as a plan. 41. Read and retell the text. THE CINEMA IN BRITAIN In Great Britain the cinema is usually called "the pictures". The American name "the movies" is sometimes used. The first perform­ance, or "showing" as it .s called, begins at about two o'clock in the afternoon and the show goes on from then until about half past ten. You can go in at any tine and leave at any time. There is usually one main film, a shorter one, a news film, some advertisements and a trailer telling about the film for the next week. Cinemas were more popular in the past than they are now. Many people went to the cinema two or three times a week, but today people like to stay at home to watch television, especially if it is cold and wet outside. The prices of cinema seats outside London are lower than the prices in London. Cinemas in Great Britain are usual ly larger and more comfortable than the theatres. Often there is a restaurant, so that it is possible to spend a pleasant afternoon and evening there. There is a stage behind the cinema screen, so that the building can be used for concerts and other performances. In some British towns the cinemas are closed on Sundays.


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