There are more than fifty theatres in the West End of London. And many other small theatres and theatre clubs are in Greater London. Some of the plays and shows last for a few weeks. Some go on for years. Many of the shows which go on in the West End are light comedies, but some theatres put on more serious plays. One of England's leading companies is the Royal Shakespeare Company, at the Aldwych [3:ldwitfl Theatre. There they put on new and old plays, and some Shakespearian plays. The National Theatre is also one of London's most famous theatres. The building is modem, and the play and new productions.
The theatres are mainly concentrated in London. Outside London, large towns have theatres too. Plays are performed there either before opening in London or after they have been shown in the capital.
50. a) Read the words, wordcombinations and sentences with the translation.
b)* Cover the left side of the page and translate Into English In 50 seconds.
to last
to go on
to put on
to show
to perform
to be concentrated
some other small theatres
for a few weeks
more serious plays
a leading company
a new play
an old play
a Shakespearian play
a modern building
There are more than fifty
theatres in the West End of
They put on new and eld plays.
The National Theatre is one of London's most famous theatres.
The theatres are mainly concentrated in london.
тривати, продовжуватись ставити (на сцені) показувати грати, ставити (п'єсу) бути зосередженим деякі інші малі театри протягом кількох тижнів серйозніші п'єси провідна трупа сучасна п'сса (вистава) стара п'сса п'єса Шекспiра сучасна будівля У лондонському Вест-Енлі понад п'ятдесят театрів.
Вони показують сучасні й старі п'єси.
Національний театр — один із найзнаиевитіших театрів Лондона.
Театри зосереджені переважно у Лондоні.
51. Retell the text "English Theatres".